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deaf dogs atlas

These lucky dogs all have homes. If you are looking to adopt, visit the Adoption pages at DDEAF

California Deaf Dogs

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Dopey, Rosie, and Grumpy
Dopey, Rosie, and Grumpy
Town: Navarro, California
Deaf dogs: Rosie, an American Bulldog/Boxer mix; Dopey, a Dalmatian; Grumpy, a Dalmatian; Doc, a Fox Terrier who is camera shy. All were rescues. They are the official spokesdogs for the Deaf Dogs Education Action Fund (DDEAF)
Human companion: Holly and Bones Newstead
Other pets: Max, a hearing cat.
Camera Shy
Town: Potter Valley, California
Deaf dog: Roo is an 12 year old Australian Shepherd/Border Collie/McNab/Lab. She is a sweet girl, never bites and seldom growls. She has a hearing companion who lets her know when something worth knowing about happens. I had her father and got her at 5 weeks.
Human companions: Jim Armstrong
Other pets: Harley, terrier mix
Camera Shy
Town: Willits, California
Deaf dog: Hamlet is a 3 year old Dalmatian. He was adopted from the local dog pound. Apparently they did not know he was deaf. He is very friendly even with strangers. He shares his 20 acre mountaintop home with a hearing Dalmatian, a small terrier, and sheep. He has very strong visual acuity. Since the two dogs generally run together, I can call Hamlet by calling out to King Lear
Human companions: Ray & Gail Harrie
Other pets: 9 year old Dalmatian King Lear, 6 year old Jack Russell Terrier Nikki, two sheep and a cat.
Camera Shy
Town: Ukiah, California
Deaf dog: Sebastian (Collie) was adopted from the DDEAF adoption page. His first adopter was unable to keep him, so I was the lucky one to be chosen to give him his forever home. He was flown from Florida to California and hit the ground running. He is quite a pistol.
Human companions: Karen Seydel
Other pets: cairn terrier, Norwegian lundehund, dalmation
Camera Shy
Town: Fort Bragg, California
Deaf dog: Sophie is a 2 year old deaf Dalmatian gal with SEVERE OCD issues currently controlled with mild meds. "Sophie came to me 8 months ago totally untrained but now is house, leash, crate & car trained and has learned 10+ signs! She's so BEAUTIFUL & smart too, learning alot from her hearing "epi" brother Butler, also a 2 year old Dal. Both are mega "velcro" w/Mom from being in shelters or foster care for many months and prefer to sleep ON Mom!"
Pongo is a 2 year old male Dalmatian. "Pongo was an owner surrender at 1+ years.He knew some "basics" and enjoys learning more, especially "how to train humans"! Pongo is a "sneak thief" - whenever we go camping, he will escape andsteal or beg from other campers, but he's so cute, nobody complains! Pongo is "velcro" with Dad and INSISTS on riding in the front seat, sitting there like a human; he also LOVES to watch TV! "
Human companions: Dennis and Jeanne Roesberry, both officially retired, living in a 3 bedroom doggie den and are currently "employed" as pet parents 24/7.
Other pets: Butler, 2 year old male Dal, post distemper survivor with mild seizures; Mattie, 14 year old female "grand-dame" Dal-gal. All dogs were "last chance" rescues or abandoned.

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